U-Test Saliva Swab Test
U-Test High Tech Saliva Test
- Detects the THC metabolite in oral fluid (saliva)
- Instant detection within 1-6 hours after last use
- One step, easy to use, self testing oral device for THC
- Clear instructions
How to Use
1. Remove the cap to expose the collection pad & place in your mouth. (Do not touch pad with fingers)
2. Rub collection pad against cheek & tongue gently in a circular motion 10 times. Place the collection pad under your tongue for 1 minute until fluid shows up in window.
3. Take out of your mouth, place lid back on, and lay on a flat surface. Liquid will become visible in result window beside the T & C
4. Read results between 5-15 minutes after step 2 is complete
Reading results:
- Negative: Two lines will appear, one next to the “C” and one next to the “T”.
- Positive: Only one line appears next to the “C” and no line next to the “T”.
- Invalid: No lines will appear next to the “C” or the “T”
Note: The shade of the “T” line may vary. But should but considered negative whenever there is even a faint line.