Pura Vida CBD Honey 100% Biological Honey 110ml
Pura Vida CBD Infused RAW Honey “The Way Nature Intended” 110ml / 135g
Pura Vida say: “We are committed to creating natural infusions of raw foods with astounding beneficial properties.”
Honey offers countless benefits internally and externally, rich with natural enzymes, vitamins and minerals which sustain life. RAW honey has been used for medicinal purposes for 1000’s of years. It is liquid gold. The original healing infusion. Anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. Combing the healing powers of RAW organic honey and cannabinoid rich full spectrum hemp extracts. Hemp extracts engage with our endocannibinoid system in our bodies to balance and help relieve many ailments like pain, inflammation, anxiety and as an anti-bacterial.Honey is a natural super-food. Raw honey contains traces of propolis, pollen and lipids.
Infused RAW honey can be used for cooking, baking, ideal for adding to teas or just eating a spoonful twice daily.
Depending on the season and also what types of honey are naturally available, Pura Vida honeys are locally sourced and organic certified (meaning no pesticides, no heavy metals and other harmful chemicals and additives) and are not available in a never ending supply we use what nature supplies us with.
Seasonally available:
Meadow Honey – from various flower types which are growing wild in the untouched meadows of Croatia. Golden honey.
Walnut Blossom Honey – When the walnut trees are in bloom the bees thrive on the pollen, a very unique flavour and honey. Golden honey.
Acacia Honey – From the Acacia Tree and is one of the most popular honey varieties available. Naturally light coloured, almost see through.
Citrus Blossom Honey – produced by bees feeding on citrus blossoms, giving the honey a sweet, delicate and smooth floral flavour.
Linden Honey – Obtained from the blossoms of the Linden tree (known as the bee tree) – when it is in bloom bees are drawn from many miles away to collect the generous nectar produced by the drooping flowers. Golden brown honey.
Try replacing sugar with honey – weight loss and lowering blood sugar level.
RAW honey contains bee pollen which is known to fight infections, provide natural allergy relief and boost your immune system – immunotherapy. Honey is a natural energy source – made up of 80% sugars, 18% water along with vitamins, minerals, proteins and pollens – honey can provide an easily absorbed supply of energy.
Powerful antioxidants.
CBD does not posses any psychoactive properties and therefore will not give you that “buzz”
Pura Vida honey is RAW, it has not been through any heat processes or filtering to remove beneficial phytonutrients, pollen and enzyme-rich propolis. Scienti fically proven to help with allergies, diabetes, sleep problems, coughs and wound healing.
Max Daily Recommended Use 15g
Hemp Extract CBD Content 18%: 7.5mg per 15g
Total CBD per 110ml / 135g Jar: 67mg
No medical claims can be made by us ‘The Juicy Joint’ or at this stage in the UK about products containing CBD and therefore this product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or illness. All products we supply containing CBD contains less than 0.2% THC so are therefore under UK legal limit for THC and will not get the consumer ‘high’.
CBD is sold by us and in the UK as a lifestyle supplement so it would be advisable to conduct additional research independently before deciding if using CBD, what variety and what concentration of CBD is right for your daily wellbeing.