CBD Life – 40% PurePen 200mg CBD **PRICE REDUCED!!
CBD Life Pure Pen:
Many people are making the switch to vaping CBD from either traditional smoking or as an alternative to vaping nicotine. CBD vape juice is developed and intended to be used in any normal E-Cig Vape devices. The extract of CBD is derived from the hemp plant and unlike cannabis contains less than 0.2% THC so will not ‘get you high’. Scientific publications dating back centuries document the benefits of the hemp plant and cannabinoids such as CBD for numerous applications.
200mg per 0.5ml – 40%
This is the Generation 3 CBDLife 40% PurePen-200mg CBD which comes complete with everything you need to get started vaping CBD. Known for its various effects, The Pure Pen is filled with full extract whereas our ePen is filled with highly concentrated extract eLiquid.
The kit comes complete with a battery, pre-filled cartridge, USB charger and carry case.
Vaping is an excellent way to take CBD because it is the fastest known way to get CBD into your system- entering your bloodstream directly through the lungs. Vaping is also relaxing due to the deep inhales and exhales.
When you are vaping CBD, it gets into your lungs and diffuse in the bloodstream bypassing the stomach and liver allowing four times as much of the product to affect you. This means you can achieve the same beneficial effects with a much smaller amount of CBD.
The cartridges are filled with full spectrum pure Co2 extract. This is dewaxed and then blending with different terpene profiles to add to the effects.
Once the vape cartridges are finished we recommend changing for a new cartridge. The cartridges are not designed to be refilled.
Ingredients: Co2 Full Spectrum Hemp Extract, Terpenes, Propylene Glycol, Vegetable Glycerine, Natural Flavourings
More about information about the CBDLife Vape Pen kit:
Pen designed especially for CBD Extracts:
0.5ml Cartridge
Porous Ceramic Atomiser
350mAh Battery
Can be charged over 300 times.
Pen features include: Standby mode, LED indicator, Healthy 5 second power-off function, Low-voltage alarm system and Easy charging process.
No medical claims can be made by us ‘The Juicy Joint’ or at this stage in the UK about vape juice / E-Liquids containing CBD and therefore this product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or illness. All products we supply containing CBD contains less than 0.2% THC so are therefore under UK legal limit for THC and will not get the consumer ‘high’.
CBD is sold by us and in the UK as a lifestyle supplement so it would be advisable to conduct additional research independently before deciding if Vaping CBD, what variety and what concentration of CBD vape is right for your daily wellbeing